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Years 5-6

Summer term 1 2024

Welcome back to the summer term. Miss Yung will be teaching Y5/6 every morning. She is also doing booster sessions with the Y6 to help to prepare them for their SATs

Here are some imporatent dates for your diaries:

  • 16 April  -  KS2 trip to Abbeysted Estate.
  • 6 May - School closed, May Day.
  • W/C 13 May - Y6 SATs & Y3/4/5 assessment week.
  • 20 May - parents meeting Y5/6 Whitehough residential trip.

Y5/6 are in Forest School this term. As we have parents' meetings on our first Thursday back, their first session will be on 25th April.

As ever, keep an eye on your emails for other important dates or any changes that we may have to make. 


Reading books need to be in school every day. If you listen to your child read, please record this in their record and sign it, or if they read at home independently, please still sign their book, as every signature equals a reading star, which goes into our weekly draws with the chance to win a prize!


Your child will be given their spelling list every Friday with their homework, and a list will also be stuck into their reading records. We will take time during the week to practice these spellings in class time, but please support your child with learning these at home too.

The spelling test will be every Friday, and I will ask the children to record their scores in their reading records so you can see how they are getting on throughout the term.

The spellings this term are all from the Y5/6 Key Words list.

Times Tables:

Quick recall of times tables up to 12x12 is extremely beneficial to our Numeracy lessons across many strands of the Numeracy curriculum. We will practice table in class time, but if you know your child has difficulty in recalling tables facts quickly, please support this at home too. There are lots of great websites you can use to encourage your child to practice. We will be doing weekly times tables test, again on a Friday, and I will get the children to record their results in their reading record, so you can see if they may need more support at home in learning their tables facts.


Your child will be given homework on a Friday to be returned by the following Wednesday. Homework will be stuck in a homework book and we will run through the work together in class so the children know what they need to do. This will consist of Numeracy, literacy and spellings. Your child will also be expected to practice their tables and read regularly.


P.E is every Thursday and Friday afternoon and your child will need to have their P.E. kit in school. Ideally they will need trainers for when they are outside and in the colder weather leggings / jogging bottoms.

Forest School:

Please see the attached timetable for when your child is doing Forest School with Mrs Murray.

If there is anything you need to see me about during the course of the year, you will be able to grab me on the playground before school, you can e-mail me at:, or you can call school to arrange a meeting / phone call at a more convenient time for you.

School drop off / collection:

Following on from the end of last year, KS2 will be using the double doors leading from the Y5/6 classroom to enter and leave school. A member of staff will be on the playground from 8:45 to welcome the children and guide them into school. At the end of the day, the KS2 children will stand at the back gate with a member of staff until someone comes to collect them.


There are lots of apps and games children can play on their ipads / laptops to support them in learning their tables. Here are a couple of excellent sites you may wish to use:

If you need any support or guidance, you can contact me via my school email:

Welcome to Years 5 - 6!

The classroom is a structured, informative learning environment where pupils begin to gain more independence and the ability to carry out personal research. Children are challenged to think independently and skills for learning are vital at this stage.  

The Junior class comprises of Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 pupils.Whilst Literacy, Numeracy, Science and ICT are a priority, the children enjoy a rich and diverse curriculum with a vast range of activities. The classroom is equipped with 16 Internet linked laptop computers and an Interactive Whiteboard which is incorporated into lessons every day. 

Upper KS2

  • Topmarks Great Maths and Literacy games

For Maths links and Sing together audio please see our Year 3-4 page.

Times Tables Master Sheets